đŸ‘‹Hello, I am

Glory Evi

Front-end developer based in Nigeria

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Featuring some of my projects

Dessert Recipes

Built using JavaScript and Axios for API interaction, this web application dynamically generates unique dessert recipes based on user-provided ingredients. Utilizing the SheCodes AI API, it simulates the role of a pastry chef, crafting recipes in real-time and presenting them with a captivating typewriter effect

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Weather App preview
World clock project preview

World Clock App

A worldclock App created with HTML,CSS and JavaScript.This app provides real-time global time information.It features a user-friendly interface and responsive design, allowing users to easily view the current time of various cities worldwide.

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Weather App

An intuitive weather app providing real time updates on weather conditions of any city in the world. Features include customizable locations,daily and a 5 day in advance weather forecast.It was built with html,css,javascript and also with integration of Apis.

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Weather App preview
To-Do-List APP preview

To-Do List App

A To-do list app to organize tasks efficiently.Crafted using HTML,CSS and JavaScript,With a clean user-friendly interface.Add and remove tasks seamlessly.Perfect for managing daily activities and achieving goals.

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Weather App

Explore weather with ease through my React-built weather app, offering a comprehensive five-day forecast for any location worldwide. Leveraging APIs for real-time data integration and a feature to enable conversion from celsius to Fahreheit.

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Weather App preview